I was conned by a cashier, and I'm writing this in hopes that people will read and be able to avoid this whole debacle that I am currently in the middle of.
I went to Hudson's Bay at Markville mall to purchase a frypan. The cashier suggested that I open a STORE REWARDS card to save an additional 15%.
I ASKED REPEATEDLY if this was a credit card or not as the terms seemed to suggest it was. She assured me it was not and that it was only a REWARDS CARD, and it can only be used at Hudson's Bay. I signed up in a bit of a rush as I felt like I was holding up the line.
A week past and the card came in the mail. Lo and behold--MASTERCARD. SHOULD HAVE READ THE FINE PRINT. It is a credit card. Sigh...
Most of the cashiers are nice people and are more than willing to help you out. The lady that helped us out this time, apathetic and turns out also a con artist adept in the old BAIT & SWITCH.
I really hope the processing of contacting support is not going to be grueling and soul sucking. I guess we will see.
If Hudson's Bay people are reading this, things like this may seem like "no harm done to earn an extra commission for signing someone up on a card" but, IT AFFECTS PEOPLE'S CREDIT, which can directly affect their daily lives.
Personally I am in the process of applying for a mortgage, and this most definitely DOES NOT HELP.