I have two very important words for you: LAZY RIVER. Though, admittedly, with as much booze as our group had consumed before we even arrived, there was no lazy about it. There was just too much fun to be had. Also stoked since we all thought we were going to have to put down an arm (and/or leg) for an intertube, but there were plenty just floating around begging to be taken.
The drinks are understandable expensive, but we went the swanky route and poured them strong up in the hotel room before donning our bathing suits. And let me tell you, a red keg cub in the lazy river is the *definition* of class.
Also, go to the hot tub afterward - it's the *perfect* temperature and everyone in it is decidedly more fun than a normal hot tub. On a warm day, this is fo shizzle the place to come. FO SHIZZLE.