Lots of goodies to chose from. Pretty much anything you can find in the area will be here. All the beer is arranged hap-hazardous along the left wall. Quality has been an issue here on some things. Gushers and old bottles seem to be prevalent.
I have several complaints though. The service is really nonexistent. It is almost impossible to find somebody to help you find anything. Which if you are looking for something specific you will need. The staff that is there does not seem to have any real knowledge either. Some of the specialty items are a bit to pricey. $16 for Ola Dubh? I have found that for almost half that price at other stores. The regular micro six packs are fairly priced though. Something else I don't like; it seems they just pick out as much stuff from the distributors as they can with no real knowledge of the product. Overall, with the new Binny's that just opened up I am not going to be visiting here that often anymore.