Consistently good food, reasonable price, and friendly staff.
I generally prefer Flat Top to the Huhot in town. They are the same basic concept, just that Flat Top has a few points in its favor.
First, it's a bit less chaotic. Huhot is more kid friendly, but that comes at a price. Flat Top is non nonsense and you'll get in and out faster.
Next, the ingredients. At Flat Top, the meats are fresh and marinated, whereas they are mostly frozen at Huhot. I can definitely taste the difference.
The sauces at Flat Top seem to be designed to complement each other better than at Huhot. I have never made a bad bowl there, but I have made some bad decisions at Huhot.
Lastly, the roti prata bread (essentially thick tortilla) is amazing. A couple pieces of that and your bowl will become a second meal of leftovers.