Walked in; walked out. Why?
Those offensive money cards. You have to pay for one - $1, then you have to put money on it, a dollar at a time. However, the machines have prices in odd increments, such as $2.49, or 29ยข to dry. What does this mean for you the customer? You will always have money left over on your card. And there are no refunds.
These places could get my business if they'd refund the balance plus the dollar for the card when I'm done doing my laundry, in exchange for getting their card back - the card can always be reused. There's no reason they can't do this. A laundry simply has no reason to take my money like this. It's just an added profit center for them, and the customer does not benefit from this arrangement at all.
I found a clean COIN laundry with an attendant not too far away (Ranchie's).