-10 stars!
We heard this genleman's club was amazing and the biggest in the world so we decided to stop by prior to going to a nightclub.
Um, THEY REFUSED TO LET US IN(3 females)! lol..it was hilarious.
First, they told us that we couldn't see the women dance and that we must watch the men's show. We challenged them and they eventually said that because we had no guys in our party, we couldn't watch the girls dance. What sense does that make?
Coincidentally, a group of guys that we met earlier that day showed up as we were trying to get in and we tried to walk in with them, but they STILL refused to let us in. The bouncer said "Ladies, I don't care what you do, You're not getting in here!"
Although we were dressed for the club, we didnt look sluty or anything. We couldn't believe it! I have NO IDEA why they would send a car to our hotel to pick us up, and then refuse to let us in....