While I do not stop at the golden arches often these days, I stop at this one very rarely, simply because they are not anywhere near where I live. But what really gets me is that when I am in the area, I tend to be there at about two minutes past 10:30, and I am invariably craving something breakfasty when I do want to stop in for a bite.
Two minutes. Why in the world did they decide to stop serving breakfast at 10:30? Naturally it does not matter, because if they stopped at 11 am or 2pm, I would surely be there two minutes past that cutoff time as well, and it just gives me a reason to complain.
As to the location? It is mostly convenient, though the turn into the shopping center could be better. The staff is typically about as good as you can expect these days at a fast food joint. Nothing much of a surprise there.