I enjoyed Lakeside Spa, for the most part. I thought the couples massage was decent; our massage therapists were pretty good. The room itself was very classy, with a fireplace and ample room between the tables. Unfortunately, the resting headpiece (laying face down) was a bit uncomfortable due to how small the opening was for your mouth.
I was a bit miffed that there was literally nowhere to place or hang your things in the room. Also, there is no locker room, just two single person change rooms for dressing/undressing. There is no shower or sauna. I did not appreciate having to go home with oil on my body and clothes.
The lobby was okay...there was "reading" material and cucumber/lemon water. It wasn't very relaxing though because of the bright light and visibility coming from the mall through the glass walls. Just a minor nitpick, though. The receptionist was nice; benefits went through okay.
For the price, it's pretty good. I just wish their facilities were a bit more inviting.