| - Before going here for any orthodontic treatment, please note that Dr. Rima Peters is a general dentist and NOT a certified orthodontist. While it is legal for her to practice orthodontics under her general dentistry license (among the other services she provides in her office such as botox, filler, etc.), due to my experience, I would recommend seeking a certified orthodontist.
Dr. Peters started me off in an expander, which is typically most effective in children between the ages of 5 and 16. I was 23. Dr. Peters did mention that it usually is only used in children but said that with consistent use it could make the difference for my crossbite. At the time, I didn't know the difference and I committed to wearing it.
I did my best at wearing this awful expander in my mouth all day, turning it with the key at night and only taking it out when eating. At my check up visit for Dr. Peters to evaluate any progress with the expander she gave me absolutely no grace. She was stern right off the bat. She jumped my case about not wearing it enough, she was upset because I had turned the expander past where it should have been in comparison with where the progress of my palate was. She very firmly explained to me that if I couldn't get down the concept of wearing the expander consistently, that I would likely not be successful in braces because I wouldn't wear the rubber-bands as instructed. Dr. Peters severely lacks good bedside manor, as well as compassion and understanding for her patients.
Keep in mind, this is my first time ever being introduced to this expander. I did my absolute best and instead of politely explaining that I may have been doing a few things wrong that I would need to change in order to be successful in her treatment, she scolded me, made me feel like I was wasting her time (even though I was paying for her services) & was telling me that I would not be successful, which was all just a negative feeling. I knew then I wasn't happy at her office, but I already put the money down and had made a first payment.
From then on out, whatever readjustments she made to that expander, it was a nightmare. It never fit right again. The first emergency visit I had to have her readjust it was just days later. She again, in a very rude tone, told me that the expander was not fitting because I was not wearing it enough. It was actually whatever shaving she did to it, but she didn't listen. I remember her asking me, "Well what's wrong with it?" I remember thinking, "Aren't you supposed to tell me what's wrong? Look inside there and tell me what you professionally think is causing me pain. My mother was appalled by the way Dr. Peters spoke to me.
I tried yet again to wear this thing with some more adjustments that she made to it. She basically put the fear of god into me and I was suffering through a ton of pain in my gums to wear this thing to try to make it to my next appt. I couldn't take it. I did some research and figured out I was having deferred pain in my lower gums from where this expander was jabbing me in my top gums. She had been so mean and made me feel like such a failure in this whole process, I was terrified to not wear it and terrified to call her and tell her that I couldn't make it through another night. So I chose what was best for me and took that thing out. I made an appt to go in and see her to re-evaluate what we were going to do. I had anxiety just thinking about going to her office.
Between then and the time that appointment was scheduled, I had decided I wasn't going to give her another chance. Evidently the feeling was mutual. I never saw Dr. Peters again. I went to her office, checked in, and the receptionist went to the back. I am assuming she spoke with Dr. Peters and then came out and said - "Dr. Peters isn't going to see you today. She decided you are not a good candidate for her treatment and she recommends you see a certified orthodontist. She is going to refund your money in full." I received a refund and literally never looked back. I don't know if Dr. Peters had a guilty conscience, but I suspect she knew she did something wrong. She would have to admit to her mistakes if she wanted to continue treatment on me (aka having to make a new expander or skip the expander altogether).
I did research & 2 yrs later am almost done with my orthodontic treatment from a certified orthodontist. I am proud to say that I get an A+ every time time I go for an adjustment at my ortho. I wear my rubber bands like a champ. I've never had any strange pain that my ortho didn't warn me to expect. All just confirming that the problem was not me at Dr. Peters office, the problem was her. My orthodontist found it to be absurd that she would recommend a 23 year old woman wear an expander made for a child and expect to see any result.
Once I saw what the real orthodontic setup was supposed to be like, I knew Dr. Peters was a sham. Save yourself the hassle and steer clear.