| - We came here on a Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. for the dim sum special. All small, medium, and large dishes were $3.28. They said the wait was 10 to 20 minutes but it was around a half an hour.
The décor was quite nice with some soothing curve patterns. There was a purple wall with some bubbly pattern that looked out of place.
Like all dim sum places, even if you do not want tea, you have to pay for it. Here it is $1.20 per person.
We had the beef rice noodle with soy sauce. It was not hot. It was a large so perhaps there was more meat which gave the dish higher marks versus other places I've had it. If it was hot, it would a A- to A, but at lukewarm temperatures, B- to B.
Next came the dessert tofu fa. The serving size was huge equaling one and a half large soup take out containers. The texture was smooth and very nice and stood out from the equivalent you would find at the end of multi-course Chinese dinners, A-.
If you choose a dish you do not like, can you really hold that against the restaurant for making something that does not satisfy you? I would say no. However, what if you accidentally ordered something but it turned out not to be a dish that you are ho-hum about?
This happened here. It was a pan fried seafood pancake. Having a good experience at Muncheez I thought I would give crepe/pancakes dishes more tries.
Unfortunately, this was heavy and oily. I could not really taste the seafood and there was not much of it, two pieces of shrimp at most. There is turnip in it which I personally do not like the flavor of. I am quite confident in saying that if you do like this dish, this was average to slightly above average, C+ to B. For me it was a C to C+.