I'm not entirely sure how much of this is actually Army Surplus anymore. There haven't been many wars in recent years to facilitate a surplus store, however there are rows of things that look "armyish" and a buck of helmets that claim to be vintage.
If you're feeling like going to an angry music concert, there are baskets of gas masks that might add to the allure, as well.
Claustrophobics need not apply here, as getting down the aisle is a difficult task in and of itself, but if someone is trying to pass you come from the other direction, some fancy footwork (often ending with your face in musty jackets) will be required.
It should be noted that they have a wide array of decent looking messenger bags.
Basically what you think this store will be, it will be. It's dank, and dingy, and in a state of permanent sale. But if greens your colour, there's nowhere better to be.