Hypothetically speaking, if you heard the theme to Law & Order playing through your neighbour's wall every hour for approximately eight hours you would probably become concerned, so you start to wonder if your neighbours even give a shit about you at all or if they're just going to let you become one with your couch like a horrific scene from the movie Se7en starring Brad Pitt and you praise Baby Jebus he isn't bearing witness to you in this state because you're desperately trying to recover from your hangover by using Foodora to order one of "The Best Veggie Burgers in Toronto" aka "The Option" from The Burger's Priest, which is two roasted portobellos stuffed with enough cheese to send a man to purgatory then deep fried, plus all 7 optional toppings and a side of fries topped with real melted cheese and you count your blessings that this restaurant doesn't ruin perfectly good fries with that radioactive orange goo or make their veggie burgers with some sort of pasty bean patty abomination because you're not a vegetarian but just because someone chooses that particular lifestyle doesn't mean they should have to eat shit food.