| - Visited with my wife and a friend over the 4th of July weekend, on Sunday. The place looked nice from the outside and the reviews were good so we decided to try it out. The place was about 1/3 empty at that time (around 10pm), so we were sure we won't have a problem getting a table. The Asian hostess asked if we have a reservation, and when I said no she said that we can't come in, and that "the kitchen is closing in 20 minutes". Really?!? There were plenty of seats, no line, and yet she didn't even bother asking if we are going to eat or just drink, but it was clear she just wanted us out of the door under any excuse. Not sure why, as we looked just like typical tourists that visit that place. Maybe she was a Red Sox fan and didn't like my Yankees hat, lol. But that would have been ok with us if it wasn't for an Asian family of 5 that walked in about a minute after us, and the hostess asked them to wait a minute while she went to get them a table without a reservation (I asked them while she walked away and they said they didn't need a reservation). That's where I draw the line. Its one thing to have certain rules but completely another reason to discriminate and lie to your customers. But its ok, we ended up going to another place in the area which was just as well rated and spent our money there. Thought of complaining to management at first, but in the end realized that they're punishing themselves with this attitude. There are plenty of nice restaurant and bars in the area who don't treat their customers like this.