i highly recommend DO NOT GO HERE. THIS IS THIER SO CALLED CENTRAL LOCATION.or HQ THEY still use the name THEY ARE NOT AL PHILLIPS.al phillips sold it a long time ago.they have been owned by banks and other companys for over 15 years now.they treat their customers like crap and their workers even worse.if they ruin your clothes(which they do quite often)you need a reciept for the stuff that they ruined or they will not do crap they will give you cleaning credit,who the hell wants credit .so that they can do it again no way .if you work for them and they dont like you for some reason or if they want a friend of the district manager then they will set you up to get you fired, and make you look like a theif.when they are the ones who rip off thier customersthey charge $6.19 for a pair of pants.for that price you have it cleaned 3 or 4 times you could buy a new pair.and what do you get for that price the same that you would get at a cheaper place.the same quality may be even better.