| - It's officially been a little over 6 months and I can honestly say I HATE IT HERE.
I have had so many issues with this apartment it isn't even funny. The first and most disgusting one is the fact that I am living with hundreds of other roommates who don't pay rent - cockroaches. And I'm not the only one with this problem. My next-door neighbor has roaches, everyone I've talked to in this building has roaches, and my mom in a completely different building yet in the same complex - also has roaches. They're not coming from outside, they're coming from INSIDE THE WALLS. It's disgusting and I need to get my apartment sprayed every single week just to keep the population down a little bit, but they'll always come back because they're in places you can't get to. What they need to do is tent the entire building but that's too costly and they won't do that.
My personal apartment hasn't had a ridiculous amount of issues with the exception of the roaches, but this building has. It seems every week that something goes wrong - someone takes out the locks, they leave fire doors open ALL THE TIME (can people NOT read??), someone kicks in the walls, messes up the light fixtures, etc. The fire and even regular gate doors don't have enough weight so they don't close which leaves them open for anyone - even non-residents to get in. Not cool.
As far as safety - omg. When we had an hour-long blackout in the summer, there are no emergency lights in the stairwell. It was PITCH BLACK! One of my neighbors hurt themselves trying to walk down it in the dark! Also, the security lights have been coming on later and later making it more dangerous to walk in the complex. By 7:30 PM it's so dark I can barely see my dog walking in front of me, I'm amazed I haven't tripped and gotten hurt yet. Someone also kicked in the bottom of the stairwell by the fire door. What was inside? Black mold. I don't need to be a scientist to know that whatever was growing in there was not safe, and they should have tested it before just putting up basic drywall - which also took them days to do. That stair area has major flooding issues when it rains so I'm not surprised. My boyfriend also snapped a photo of a random pool of blood in the hallway one night. REALLY?!
I've also had people try to break into my place on multiple occasions. I was home for all the ones I know of, god only knows how many times people have tried when I'm not there. Two nights were really bad and scary that I had to call the cops, the other times it seemed people were "checking" my door handle to see if it was open. Totally terrifying and I don't want to live here anymore.
If I have just one piece of advice to anyone looking here: RUN!