| - Visiting Dr. Michael Miao and Desert Orthopaedic Center was the worst medical experience of my life.
I injured my shoulder playing volleyball and Miao was a provider on my insurance. I booked an appointment and have since regretted it profusely.
Here's how things went for me (similar to many others):
Visit #1: entire appointment lasted 2.5 hours. I saw Dr. Miao for about 10-minutes. The rest of the time was spent waiting and waiting and waiting. I was told that they were really busy that day so I assumed that wasn't always the case.
Visit #2: this appointment was a little over 2-hours of waiting and waiting and waiting. Then I was told that Dr. Miao wanted "updated x-rays" despite having sen my x-rays on the first visit and referring me out for an MRI and arthogram for my shoulder. After taking x-rays, the x-ray tech came into tbe exam room and loaded the x-rays up on the computer screen. when Miao finally came into the room, e saw x-rays on the screen and immediately closed the images without even looking at them! They just told me he needed updated x-rays but didn't even bother to take a look? This really appeared to be unnecessary and meant only to bilk my insurance.
My total time with Miao after waiting around for him for hours on end was about 20-minutes. Yes, 20-minutes out of over 4 and 1/2 hours of waiting around. The time I did spend with him was unpleasant as well. While his bio indicates he is highly accomplished and educated, his bedside manner can be best described as a cornered mongoose. I don't know if this is because he is always way behind or is just lacking any type of personality whatsoever. The feeling is that he is in a hurry and when you try to explain something or ask questions, he seems very put out.
Visit #3: After my second appointment, I was sent for another month of physical therapy. I came in for a follow up on a third (and final) visit - to see if I needed surgery or more physical therapy. I booked the earliest appointment they had (8:45 am) in hopes of not being stuck waiting around for hours again. Despite the fact that the office opens at 8:00 am, I sat in an exam room for almost a full hour without seeing the doctor. How in the world can you be an hour behind after being open for 45-minutes? At that time, I simply left without seeing the doctor. Clearly Miao and/or Desert Orthopaedics Center has ZERO respect for his/their patients or their time.
After this, I requested my records in order to find another doctor. I was told that I would be contacted when my records were ready. After several days, I had not been contacted. In turn, I contacted the company and were told my records are ready!
This place is a complete joke.
I wish I would have read the other reviews about Miao/DOC before ever making an appointment. The experiences of others seem to be right on par with what I experienced.