| - I returned recently from one of my visits to Las Vegas, and it being my birthday, I decided to splurge a little on the room. My regular reservation is at the West Wing at the MGM, but I decided on this trip to do it up and go for a lake view room at the former reigning king of the high-class set, The Bellagio Hotel.
The hotel is nice, I'll give it that. The lobby is open and the conservatory is bright and interestingly conceived. There are terrific shops and world-class restaurants. The dealers are all very friendly and helpful when you get confused about the details of whatever sucker bet you are extending. I also like the scale of the place... it's big enough to seem spectacular, but not unmanageably so, like, say, Caesar's Palace next-door.
There is an interesting trade-off I have noticed regarding the accommodations, though. On one trip I stayed in the spa tower. Nice room, lousy view. Twin sinks. Lots of marble. DVD player. On this trip, though, I was in the main tower overlooking the fountains and though I was already paying more for that privilege, I noticed that the room wasn't as nicely appointed as the spa tower room, and was definitely much smaller. Not just that, but it seemed, and I might be nitpicking here, that the window in my view room might have been a little wider. It wasn't like looking out a porthole, but it felt like it wasn't far from it. I definitely enjoyed several helpings of the famous Bellagio Fountains display from the comfort of my room, but I was expecting a view that was a little more panoramic.
I think in the future I will stick with the West Wing. Bellagio was nice, but not sufficiently so to merit the premium.