I used AZ Men's Health clinic to treat a problem and during my first appointment was sold 100 injections at a whooping $2400. Then I was sent home to test 3 types of doses to determine which dose my 100 would be. The first one caused extreme discomfort for about two days. I returned to the doctor and he told me it was just muscles stretching and it would be ok. A few days later I took dose two and no erection and a week later it stopped hurting. I guess I am a glut for punishment cause a week later I took dose 3. With in just minutes I had the most extreme pain that I have ever had with my man parts. It was like being hit with a bat and then set on fire. To ease the pain over the next 3 hours I inserted 3 frozen bags of peas into my under ware. The discomfort still exists and that was last summer. I called them and told them I would not be using the shots I bought and wanted a refund for them. I was told they don't offer refunds and I could come in for more testing. They said they guarantee results in my case I was hoping that meant I would be able to have relations with my wife instead I am certain that it was to drain my money. I am sharing my story for two reasons. First so other men don't fall for these crooks bs. Second that men will go somewhere more reputable than these guys selling snake oil and end up in my boat $2400 lighter and in pain and still not able to be intimate with your partner. My doctor has not given me much hope that I will stop the discomfort and my attorney seems to see a good malpractice case. I guess time will tell.