Apparently this is a brand new location. Usually, new places have lots of kinks they need to work out, leading to poor service and poor product coming out of the kitchen. However, this was not the case with this place. Here's what you need to know about this place.
- noodles really are hand-pulled. The chef at the front pulls them to order and drops them into a vat of boiling water.
- service is great. 3 waiters/waitresses running the show at this relatively small restaurant.
- big windows for a great view of the city and people outside.
- noodles come in classic round and more traditional flat. Flat is the way to go.
- they offer two kinds of noodles here. One is the noodles with the broth inside already, and I THINK the other is without the broth, but I'm not sure. Whatever the case, the selection is very limited, which leads to more focus on making the menu taste better.
- broth is light and delicious. Not a heavy dish, even with large size.
- the cucumber side dish is excellent as a taste refresher between bites of the noodles, kind of like ginger in sushi.
-HUGE pot of boiling bones for soup broth in back. Bomb.
- beef side dish more like cold jerky. Didn't care for it.
- tea egg is just OK. Not all that.
Overall a great place to try hand pulled noodles like the kin you've seen on buzzfeed. Average price for a meal here - 15$