| - This is the story of how we TRIED to order Pizzaiolo.
We were hungry and thought that ordering from a place close by would be a better option, so having just received Pizzaiolo's flyer in our mailbox, we decided to give it a shot.
We called an ordered 2 medium pizzas and they told us it would be a 45 minute wait. Ok. We can deal with that. When an hour and a half had gone by and no one had come by with our pizzas we were a little frustrated. We called them back and after some confusion, one guy came to the phone and said... well yeah we have your pizzas here, but they're cold.
I asked why they were cold and the guy said because we called you to make sure you wanted them and no one picked up. Um... I called YOU to order pizza, why would I NOT want them? When I checked my cell phone later, there was, indeed, a call, but no message. I wouldn't have picked up anyway if it wasn't a number I recognized and I never have my ringer on at home since I can't handle the e-mail alerts early in the am.
Guy: So... do you still want the pizzas?
Me: Um... they're cold. Why would I want cold pizza?
Guy: Well we can heat them up.
Me: Why didn't you just bring the pizza when they were hot so we could have paid you for them and eaten them?
Guy: Uh. Well we called you and you didn't answer, so we just thought the call was like, a joke or something.
Me: A joke? But you MADE the pizzas. So why would you make them and not deliver them?
Guy: Because you didn't pick up.
Me: Um... this makes no sense.
Guy: Well, do you want the pizzas?
Me: Are they free for the inconvenience?
Guy: No
Me: Um.. no. Can I speak to your manager please
Guy: I am the manager
By this time I am hungry and pissed off. My boyfriend is making weird faces and gesturing to me to just hang up. So I did, and we made dinner at home. And ate.
I ended up e-mailing customer service and some guy named Mario, major frustration artist (some businesses hire these people who just basically frustrate the %^&^ out of you until you go away). Mario kept on e-mailing me and reiterating what I said back to him with a question mark. In the end, Mario won. Too much time wasting for me.