This is the place to be for high quality pet products! Don't let the small appearance of the place fool you because AYSPS is full of the best of the best products for your pet. While it is smaller and doesn't offer the kind of variety that Petsmart/Petco or those corporate pet places, the items sold here are better than anything you can get at those corporate places.
Ok...well actually...there are a FEW items that you can that are similar to those corporate pet stores but if you decide to come here, don't expect the same exact sh*t you'll find over at petsmart/petco. Oh and I feel they offer so much better individualized attention which is super cool.
Another cool thing about this place is that they offer free dog food after you purchase 10 of the same biggest sized dog food. I thought this program is pretty cool considering how somewhat pricy the dog food they have here is (since it's premium, booshie pet food). If you're looking for cooler/ more awesome pet clothing, this place has more unique clothing in my opinion.
Lastly, this place is in my 'hood! Another reason for me and my pet to stay in the area :)