| - Great dermatologist! Was recommended to Dr. Parsons by a friend, and I was very happy with my whole visit. Check-in is very very streamlined (hand scans?! who knew!), and I only waited about 5 minutes in the waiting room, which is unheard of, really.
Dr. Parsons introduced himself to me (I had actually made an appointment with Dr. Tara Byer Parsons, but it didn't matter to me that I saw Dr. Parsons - but in case you have a sensitive issue that you'd like a same-sex Dr, better double check before your appointment), and was very very nice (and looked me in the eye when talking, rather than burying his face in a chart, which I like).
Diagnosed my skin thing, and gave me some treatment options - I like that he didn't just say "Here, take some pills, you'll be fixed". He gave me an option of a topical or oral solution and talked about the risks/benefits of both, and then let me choose. I had a really great experience here, aside from the Dr. switchup. Would definitely recommend.