This place is great! I started in December and by March I felt and looked like a completely different person. The owners Ben and Sean are great to work with and really stress form and not hurting yourself. The staff is also extremely helpful and always push me to do my best. Not only is the workout amazing but the people are so supportive and friendly. From the second you walk in you feel like a part of the Crossfit family. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get in shape, or just wants to meet a great group of people.
If you do choose to join the Haboob I also recommend to try the Paleo Challenge. With 3 months of crossfit and paleo I managed to go from almost 200 lbs to 162 as of today. I don't think I could have done it without the help from such a dedicated team.
With a little hard work you can even have a better transformation than I did!