First off, this place was _crowded_! It's in the Chinatown area with tons of other places that look the same from the outside, yet everyone was huddled around Monta Ramen. My girlfriend and I figured that that meant something, so we gave it a go.
I thought it was good. To be honest, I don't think I have the most distinguishing tongue when it comes to ramen. I've eaten at probably five or six ramen places in my life, and each one has tasted similarly good to me. Monta didn't necessarily stand out as particularly good. But it was still good.
Prices were normal. Ramens started at $7 and then a few bucks more for add ons of your choice.
Portions were a bit on the large side. Service was a bit friendlier than average.
One gripe: I really hate walking in to a place and seeing a huge "WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE..." sign as my welcoming. Kind of a put-off.