The jump itself is epic thanks to the view. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the staff and some of their "rules." $30 to rent a GoPro. Yes. For that price you could probably buy yourself a new one on craigslist. Yet, you can't film, take pictures or do anything for that matter except what they tell and allow you to. (2 video.) God forbid you don't want any of their videos and will like to use the intro video you made.
What was supposed to be a great NY kickoff experience for my son and I turn morbid very quick when I was asked to leave my will on camera in case I died. I did not like this. It turned my experience around for the worst and I did not want to use that video.
I was told I have no choice over the "2" video I was allowed. Morbid video or nothing.
In any event, the jump itself is great but my experience overall wasn't.