No longer go here unfortunately. The customer service and nail service has become subpar. Every time I go in now, there is always a 15 min wait at least when I am told they can take me right away. I rather you be honest with me so I can plan accordingly. Don't tell me there is no wait and then have me wait in the waiting area for 15 min. The customer interaction is less than it was when I first started going. No greetings anymore, and my nails have not been worth the money. One gal left me with lumpy SNS nails and I did not want to wait any longer than I already had for her to try and "fix it". One of the other gentlemen completely ruined my nails to where they had to have someone else try and take over and give me tips because they could not salvage my natural nails from what he did. It was getting to the point where I had to file and reshape my nails every time I left. I think due to increased business the staff is overworked and stressed and may do better if they hire extra hands.