Located across the street from Starbucks, there's this Second Cup.
Why would one choose Second Cup over the Starbucks?
To be honest, I frequent Starbucks more.
But, this location has lots and lots of seating...More than the Starbucks across the street.
This is more of a warning.
Don't feed the pigeons.
I'm serious!
I wandered outside on a nice day to enjoy my croissant and coffee.
There was an empty table with an empty chair.
I took a seat and noticed a seemingly lonely pigeon peering curiously at me.
I ripped off a small piece of of croissant and tossed it onto the ground.
Holy crap.
It's like a modern Toronto version of Hitchcock's The Birds.
All of a sudden I was surrounded by fat, angry, and very hungry pigeons.
I was terrified!
I jumped up and ran away, entertaining all who were seated in Second Cup.
The pigeons followed! Almost eating my croissant out of my hands.
I ran inside the Shoe Company for shelter.
And yes, I bought shoes.
I will never feed the birds again!!!!