The usual airport screwing, and then some. This Hyatt has a monopoly on lodging at this airport and they take full advantage of it. They charged a lot for parking, even more for the drinks at their bar, and on balance are not worth the money. (Corporate drones with expense accounts, you may ignore my remarks, you don't care about the cost of your lodging or little niceties that one SHOULD be able to afford.)
Non-cost-related: Hallways smell musty, rooms don't have auto thermostats, only the old-fashioned fast-med-slow-off fan control and cooler-warmer temp control. On the plus side, their gym is actually kind of nice - clean and well-equipped. If you can get a Priceline or Hotwire deal this place isn't bad, but they'll get part of your savings back unless you don't have a car and don't drink.