In the mid-to late 2000's there was an explosion of cupcake shops around Charlotte. I made a bet with my friend that in 5 years few of them, if any, would still be standing. It was such a niche market. I was mostly right. Charlotte has now moved on to donuts.
However, even in my skepticism I kept hearing rave reviews about this place. It got more attention after being featured on several shows and the owner won a few baking contests.
Still, it was in Fort Mill. Sooooo far from Charlotte (insert sarcasm here because it takes longer for me to get to some places in CLT than it does to get to Fort Mill). But, I did use it as my excuse. Until this year. A friend brought by an assortment of cupcakes that I've only seen in pictures. And good grief was it was it terrifying. I suddenly realized my years of cupcake cynicism had kept me from seven years of delicious deserts. I started to evaluate my life and try to figure out what else I had been missing out on. I would consider a three month journey to a Tibetan temple for some deep soul searching, but that would be 3 months I wouldn't have access to these delicious sugar bombs.
So let me spare you some of the tough life decisions I've suddenly had to make. Come here at your earliest convenience. Bring friends. Get at least a dozen (because it will spare you some of the pain of making "Sophie's Choice" cupcake decisions), check in on the Yelp app to get $5 off your newly acquired wisdom, then grab a fork. These aren't your cheap "twist off the bottom so you can put it on top of the icing and make a cute lil cupcake sandwich" cupcakes. These are miniature delectably rich cakes. I challenge you to successfully eat it by hand.
Cupcakes aren't your thing? Why are you reading a review on a cupcake shop then? Well, since you are, they do have awesome individual and full cookie cake options that are every bit as delicious.