| - If you haven't been to this swamp meet, you need to go. I'm giving it 3 stars because shopping wise its not the greatest, but to experience it, it is a trip and a must.
I come here when its cool weather, get myself a 32 oz michalada, bargain shop, and believe me, you entertain yourself with the people watching. I come here and most of the time get socks. LOL, watch the Youtube video of "S&$% Mexican girls say"
When you get to the center they even have an entertainment stage. I've been here a few times and usually catch a Mariachi band on stage. When I'm nearly done with my beer I head over to the fruit stand and get coconut.
I'm from the islands and have not eaten coconut except plain. But here, you get your coconut, they poor the juice in a cup for you, continue down the line and they cut up the coconut, slice it up, put in a bag and you can add cucumber, pineapple, jicama, and/or pig skin-yup pig skin. Not for me, but its an option if you like that. Take that bag, squeeze some lime and put your hot sauce all over and ta da, fresh goodness with a kick to keep you going to bargain shop some more.
Stands have a combination of new and used things. I picked up some jugs for our water dispenser and scored on aromatherapy oils for super cheap!
This place is way out of my way, but I'll still come here, after I'm done here I usually go to one of the Mexican Restaurants. This side of town got the best Mexican restaurants!