My cat came to me as a foster in 2008.
In Spring 2009, he was starting to go outside his box and had trouble urinating.
He clearly had a UTI and it was dire.
You can't mess around with male cats and UTIs.
So, Annex Cat Rescue sent me to this clinic and I got the horrendous experience of dealing with Dr. Ron Pousong.
He had to be coaxed into doing blood/urine testing.
He told me the (fixed) cat "probably saw another cat outside and got excited" and wasn't actually sick. Yes, he was twitterpated - OK sure!
When the results came back, he was very wishy-washy about the medication that would be required. He started yelling at me on the phone when I questioned his approach and insisted he get the meds ready for same day pick up. There were many ways to treat this condition and his solution was to give me 21 teeny tiny pills to shove down the cat's throat daily for 3 weeks.
The meds didn't work. He needed stronger ones on a shorter course.
Eventually, he got the care he needed elsewhere.
My cat also got fleas while there, but they'll deny it til they're blue in the face.
Don't. Ever. Go. Here.