Steve took one look at my Dual turntable from a distance and pronouced it unworthy of being fixed without even coming within 12 inches of it. But he was willing to part it out for me when I left; generous. I declined. He was also willing as a special favor NOT to charge me $36 for NOT looking at my turntable even though all it needed was a cartridge which are hard to find now.
Then he starts flitting between patched up vintage turntables without making much of a strong point for any particular model but pointing out how lousy some of the shiny new models he sells are in comparison because of the motor mounting.
So I left confused without any effort expended toward finding a cartridge for the turntable I brought in.
To seal the expereince, I sent an email several days ago requesting suggestions on a turntable purchase based on specific critera and it's been a black hole: no response.
So I'm going elsewhere.