This guy wanted to charge me $500 (about 10 hours labor) to staple to already made seat covers on to 2 boat seat backs!!! Are you kidding me? When I questioned why so much he stated he gets $55 dollars an hour...never explained why he thought it would take over an entire man day to put on two pre-made covers. BTW these were the backs ONLY and did not include the seat bottoms. Not trying to deny the guy a living and in all fairness by his assessment the covers MAY have needed some adjustment, but it didn't take me 10 hours to make the both covers from scratch. I took the seats to another shop and they put them on in just over two hours and look great!, just what I was after. His ad says, "No job to big or too small"...that may be true but from my experience the cost will remain very BIG regardless of the size of the job. Shop around and know what your work should cost before you let this guy take you to the hoop hard. There are plenty of other upholstery shops that will do a great job at a reasonable cost...I understand every business needs to made a profit to keep the doors open, just don't think anyone needs to charged what would have come to $250 per hour to run a stapler and a sewing machine...its not brain surgery after all.