I went to Target at Stonecrest tonight to buy a belt. But I ended up finding some other items I needed and spent about $120.
When I was trying to check out the first line I got in the clerk had some issue with the cash register from the customer in front of me so I waited for about a minute and saw the issue was not going to be resolved anytime soon so I went to another register and the clerk there was scanning... items... so... slow... it... was... painful... and I was third in line.
So I moved to a another register. No one else in line. (Yea!) I greeted the clerk and addressed him by name. We will call him Bob (not his real name) Bob completely ignored me until he finally got ready to start scanning my items. And just to be clear, it was a good 10 seconds before he said anything to me. And then he said something like "hello" I don't remember exactly but it was very brief but friendly.
The belt I came in for originally would not scan. A message came up on the register that said "enter price" so "Bob" asked me if I knew the price. I had no idea because there was no price sticker on the belt. He got ready to call a price check and I told him to forget it. I'm not going to stand there and wait. So Target, you lost a sale because of incompetence. (Incompetence NOT from Bob but from Target's inefficiencies)
Actually you lost more than one sale. Because I would have bought more seven dollar T-shirts had I known that they only cost seven dollars but I didn't know that because there was no price on them. I asked a very friendly clerk back in the men's department how much they cost and they could not tell me. They told me (in a very friendly manner) I could "scan them at one of the price scanners which are conveniently located throughout the store."
So a brief segue...
I visit Target about twice a year. I know you have "conveniently located price scanners." But what am I? A customer or an employee? It's not my job to figure out the price of your product. Seriously! Do you want to know why ECOM is kicking your butt? Just keep re-reading this paragraph and you'll have the tip of the iceberg.
It took at least 15 minute to check out. When I finally got checked out I looked back at the first register and they were still waiting for a manager to come and help with whatever problem they had.
So let me back up. The dressing room I used was dirty and in need of repair. There were no hooks on the wall to hold my clothes because the hooks had been pulled off the wall and the floor was nasty.
The person working In the men's department was very pleasant but seemed to be completely clueless when I asked for assistance.
I don't blame the employees in the store. It's obvious management and corporate just don't care and I'm sure the attitude trickles down to the employees.
In fact, it seems the employees at this location are on slowdown." (Look it up. Wikipedia has a good article)
Corporate, if you're reading this you need to realize the biggest advantage you have over eCom is Personal Customer Service and you are squandering that! You need to figure this out or in 10 years you will be a memory. Attached are pictures of your dirty floor and broken hooks.