I'm convinced that this is the smallest Peter Piper in existence. A little cousin of mine had his 11th birthday party here and it was embarrassing. There are like four games and there isn't a ballpit at all.
When we first got there they hadn't even set up for the party yet and we were on time. I asked one of the employees if there was a party schedule for 2pm and she snaps, "I HAVE NO IDEA" and gave me the dirtiest look ever. It was so rude. I get that you work at Peter Piper and you're probably upset about that but don't take it out on me.
I tried to play Deal or No Deal with my cousin to just try to have fun and was bombarded by unsupervised Mexican children begging me for tokens and tickets and screaming at me how to play the game. Where were their parents at?
The location in Mesa is much better! It's bigger than a Chuck E Cheese and the staff is way friendlier. Avoid this location at all costs.