Wow I forgot how great Taco Bell is. I never realized they had so many zero calorie options on their menu. You might say What Taco Bell has zero calorie options you are crazy. To which I say no sir just about everything on their menu is zero calories because once you throw it up after you eat it you don't absorb any calories.
I am sorry I don't usually rank on a place this bad but this was really bad. I am sure some people just love it but not this person. The staff seemed nice enough. Although it seemed like the guy on the registers second day on the job. Also when you just stuff the napkins still inside the wrapper in the place where the napkins go and tear open the end that is not really refilling the napkins. Just saying.
The food is tasteless and horrible. I wouldn't even feed it to my dog because the ASPCA might come after me. I know that is harsh and I am being mean to get a laugh but this is the worst kind of fast food. It gives fast food a bad name. I don't even dare call it Mexican food because it is so far away from real Mexican food it has never even met real Mexican food. Real Mexican food would beat up Taco Bell food if they crossed paths.
Like I said I know people just love Taco Bell but as for me I will try, shouldn't be that hard, to never eat here again. Sorry Taco Bell.