Well, talk about a divine intervention.
I called Friday afternoon and made an appt for Saturday morning. My husband and I were so excited to see her face. This place is around the corner from our house and I've seen it for so long - waiting for the opportunity to get a 3d/4d ultrasound (since we did ivf and it's been such a difficult and long journey already)
The ultrasound tech (whose name I need to get) told us pretty quickly she saw some concerning things like a very high irregular heartbeat and fluid in the baby's abdomen. She obv wasn't able to diagnose anything but suggested we call our ob after the appt.
We did and went to the hospital. I'm now on day 6 of my hospital stay Bc the baby has heart failure. Something we would not have known had we not gone in for the appt. Obv we have a very long road from here but I'm so grateful I made the appt and the tech was able to provide us with such valuable information .
It was the best $20 I've ever spent.