| - I love Costco , I go there every week ,I end up buying stuff I don't need , I would give them 4 stars ,however I had a bad experience today ,it was so embarraing to be stopped on the door like you are a thief trying to steel items you did not pay for ??!!
To make the long story short , I always use the hand scanner so I don't have to wait in line on my way to check out .apparently the scanner today was malfunctioning , so it dropped 2 items out of 20 from the list ( even though when I was scanning the items before I place them in the cart the scanner always gave me the peep and the green light and it was so fast ,more fast than usual ,I thought they upgraded something because it usually takes asecond or so and it scans only in one direction, today it was fast and it scanned in both directions , it also gave me an error message on one item that it could not locate it so I removed it and scanned it again and it took it and registered it ) . So on my way to check out ,I told the lady when I handed her over the scanner that there is something wrong with the scanner and to check it , she was very busy as usual so she ignored it , I finished the check out and paid , I did not think for a second that the scanner did not register 2 items , so on the door we found that out .
It was so embarrassing to feel that you are cheating or steeling , I am a well to do guy and I will never take anybody else items without paying for it ..
The bottom line is and my advice to everybody is : do not use that stupid scanner again ,or if you do ,count your items to make sure that the scanner did not drop off any of them ..