maybe someone can explain something to me.
how is it that the STAIRS are OUT OF ORDER?
I'm confuzzled!! I went to the airport bright and early on Monday morning. I had a feeling that it would be rather crowded. This was very much the case. I checked my bag in through sky cap with SWA. That was the easiest part. i went into the main airport building, as directed and went to my left. not only was i directed back outside but i was also herded with the rest of the cattle through some strange maze to get upstairs to the 2nd floor where I still had to go through the madhouse of people in the security check point lines. while trying to make it upstairs, i was separated from my travel buddy. I waved bye to them and then rude as ever, the airport staff member said in a very rude tone, "Are you with them? Why didn't you say anything?" I explained to them that I wasn't sure what was going on and that I didn't think it would matter much to him if I was with my buddy or not. I was only trying to play by his rules. He scoffed at me, pushed me through and told me that I should have spoken up. Oh well. While I was upstairs on the 2nd floor awaiting my turn to make it through bag inspection and what not, all of a sudden the lines were halted and a drug sniffing dog was sent through the line. that took a while. Some people made it through the check point with only 7 minutes before their flights took off, because of this "new security measure implementation" that just HAD to take place when we were the next in line. Ugh!! I feel like a lot of what they were doing was just so ill planned and it almost caused several people to miss their flights. After you make it through security and all that jazz, it isn't so bad but just getting through security could take you an hour. beware and get there at least 90 minutes early, at least!!!