While walking around downtown Pittsburgh, we stumbled upon Market Square. Of course at the time, we didn't realize it was Market Square. After taking some pictures from the square, most notably of the building that looks like a giant black castle, we decided to take a look at what the Square had to offer.
Lining the perimeter of Market Square are a number of restaurants and coffee shops, which seem to cater to almost all audiences. Unfortunately our top choices all seemed to be closed, which seemed silly considering it was a weekend afternoon. I guess these places don't get too much weekend traffic, who knows. Eventually we settled for a burger joint that was there, even though it had less than stellar reviews.
Just seeing the square makes me feel like it has a lot of potential and while I am sure that it gets its fair share of use during the warmer months, I couldn't help but feel that it was under utilized. I would be interested to visit again during the summer and see just how bumping this place can get.