| - After visiting Crown Prince, I am fairly certain that there is one crazy, dimsum loving Asian out there who has:
1. A large accounts payable for purple drapes, gold drapes, Victorian art, chandeliers, marble, and French maid costumes
2. A vocabulary that includes, exclusively, fancy but cheesy sounding words such as: Crown, Casa, Prince, Princess, Fine, Victoria, Dining, Premier, Imperial, Banquet
3. Loves serving people dimsum in said fancy but cheesy decorated and titled restaurants
3. Rolling in a bed full of money
I say this, because all the food at all of these fancy dimsum places pretty much taste the same to me. It would only make sense that there's a crazy (or rather, eccentric) dimsum tycoon out there who has attained economies of scale and capitalized on our dimsum loving ways.
If you have been to Crown Princesses, you have pretty much been to Crown Prince. Differences:
+ You got to stay in Scarborough. Pro: You didn't have to commute too far. Con: You have to fight other crazy driving Asians for parking.
+ Less attentive service. Probably because you're in Scarborough.
Three stars. Until another dimsum restaurateur out there does something really crazy and creative, like serve innovative dimsum in a modern, upscale decor that isn't Victorian themed.