Bought a groupon for teeth whitening. It was my first whitening experience. Best $32 I've spent. Meredith is a professional who makes you feel comfortable and is straight forward with everything you can expect. She is extremely attentive and caring. No high pressure sales or upselling. The process begins with putting in this plastic thing that holds your lips away from your gums. It isn't fun but doesn't hurt. A lot of Vaseline is applied to lips and gums to protect them. Meredith paints something near the gun line, then pints the gel onto your teeth. You wear orange sunglasses to protect your eyes from the Light that is used to speed up the whitening process. The only thing to be aware of is that you are in a big room where others are getting their teeth whitened. It isn't uncomfortable and still feels private. They take a before and after photo to show you the shades of white you've increased. Super! Highly recommended