| - Let's start by understanding that we love Costco. In all the states we've lived in. Today is an "above & beyond" day of Costco Love: we were trying to buy 2 recliners, yesterday's 6 was only 1 today! No!! We asked at the help desk & they found a 2nd one stocked elsewhere, yes!! We bought our 2 recliners, got help taking them to our SUVs only to discover they did NOT fit, no!! The helpers were kind to my poor husband, an engineer who'd measured & MEASURED, only to have to go rent a truck & come back for me & the recliners. Take 2: nice guy helpers cheerfully loaded them into the truck, with our undying affection, all the stress of how do we get these home was gone. As I write, now 2 months later, sitting in "my" recliner, I'm still grateful for the help desk & loading helpers, we wouldn't have made it without them that day