| - Pros:
- callous remover stuff (I attempt to run and, even with my lame attempts, those callous add up. When I try and where heels, well, it's not hot). I got a pedicure and, though I was charged $5 more for this (and they said that AFTER they already put the stuff on) in the end it was worth it.
- gel nails are my new favorite. Your own nails, but the gel supposedly makes the polish stay longer. That and your nails look super glossy and awesome.
- Up-selling like crazy. Once I'm in the chair and I've said what I wanted, please stop badgering me to see if I was "deluxe". No, no I do not want deluxe. Now leave me alone so I can read trashy magazines.
- No deluxe = no real massage at all. Boo.
- I paid extra (after being up sold) for gel and while the girl promised it would last two weeks, the very next day I had peeling. Here's a hint - if you get gel (which is totally worth trying at some point, somewhere) make SURE they do not get the gel on your cuticles. If they do, it creates an air pocket when it tries. Thus, peeling. So sad. So now I'm trying to get them fixed a week later somewhere else.
- Girl cut my toe. Blood. Pain.
I think there's a guy who works here that gets super rave reviews. If you can, book him.