Don't waste your money on car wash here if you don't intend to use it right away. You have 2 weeks to the minute to use it or lose it.
I purchased a $7.00 deluxe wash a couple of weeks ago which had expiration date of today, 12-4-14. It's been raining here for three days but I knew if I didn't use it, I had wasted my hard earned money. So I went anyway this afternoon to use it and I was told my code had expired at the exact same time as when I purchased it, 8AM. No where on the receipt did it say that. Beneath my code it said only, "good thru 12-4-14"
Furious! No customer service skills here at all. The assistant manager, Jim, said he couldn't take care of it because he would get in trouble by the owner. There was a blonde woman also working who said, "most people use their car wash the same day". Well lady, I don't! What's the deal with expiration date on a purchased car wash anyway? I'm not in the habit of donating my money to the already bloated coffers of She'll Oil or to the owners of Green Valley Grocery.