There are a lot of Tex-Mex restaurants opening up in Charlotte for some reason and i have yet to fully enjoy any of them more than I did this place.
Most important - Drinks: I had both the Bakersfield Margarita and the Premium Margarita. I didn't find either of them to be amazing but I definitely liked the Bakersfield more than the Premium. The Bakersfield was too bitter and the Premium was too acidic (heart burn at second sip). However, neither of the two were "weak", if you know what i mean.
Food: Started off with the Chips and Queso...added the jalapenos, amazing. They have special house made sauces that elevates just about everything to perfection - Well done! The fish taco was really good. It wasn't mushy, it was crispy but i found the soft mini taco to not hold well. The short rib taco was really good and flavorful.
Location: The restaurant is aesthetically pleasing, the rustic modern works. I do also appreciate the layout, it works. I also really like the added touch of the two lean up tables behind the bar for those waiting for a table as we did (25 mins on a Tuesday evening, can't imagine a weekend).
Service: Everyone was really friendly.
I will say, parking is an issue.