This used to be Layers and is now called Fresh. Fresh does not mean Organic which Layers did have some items which were. I guess Fresh is because everything is made fresh to order. The staff is ok, they were not overly friendly like when it was the other place but they were fine.
The food was not anything special, the menu has changed from the previous place and the selections are not as great as they used to be. We had sandwiches and salad and it was not anything really special, it was your average.
This is a place I would go back to if I was in the area and needed to eat something but to make a special trip to come eat here is something I would not do based solely on the fact that there is nothing in the place to specify they serve anything organic. We prefer fresh organic items and there are way too many places now that serve the same items they have but with organic produce and better seasoning to really make the food stand out.
Here they just seem to serve you but not really go out of their way to make the food items stand out and leave a WOW impression. From what this place used to be and how we used to feel when leaving this place to what it is now, its just ok. I am glad there is something there as a choice for people, but with places not to far down the road that serves organic items, I would go to those places first.