| - You guys ever went here? For you folks that don't know..........this is the place to get ono kine snack action grindages!
My friend needed to buy some jerky to take home when he holds his poker nights, and had asked me where to go to get some snacks.
So the day we were gonna skip town, I took him to the Plaza Hotel, and inside the Plaza Hotel, there is a place called - Las Vegas Jerkys.
Yes you walk in the hotel, go to your left, and look for the escalator that takes you upstairs (3rd Floor).......this is where you will find this place.
This place sells jerky, candy, cookies, drinks, as well as those delicious bagel chips. I picked up a bag of my favorite sweet pork jerky........but sorry I shared it with my friends, I totally blew it and forgot to take a pic of the jerky. Darn it! Hawaii people always taking back "Omiyage" (gift), so this place is a great place to pick up stuff for your ohana, or friends!
Check 'em out gang!