I brought my 10 lb miniture poodlet to Master Kennels for the snake avoidance class. I hike every week with with my dog, so something I felt was required for her safety. I was very impressed with how clean, organized and well prepared they are. (From the minute you walk in the door). The cass starts with a discussion, from the trainer of what you and your dog will be doing at all times. Then you head out to a back yard for training. There are 3 phases. Sight, smell and sound. The trainer works with each dog until they are aware of each. They use live snakes, but they are defanged and under control of a handler so you never feel any kind of threat from any snake! I felt completely confident once we left that class, that my dog was completely trained. Just to test this training..... about 2 hours after I got home I pulled up rattlesnake sounds on my ipad. My dog way lying on the couch next to my husband. As I came closer to her.... with my I pad and the rattlesnake audio.... she started to freak out!!!! Even on our evening walk tonight she seemed more aware of everything around her. My girl is trained.... and I will feel so much safer hiking with now :)