I took my Toyota Tacoma in as I thought I had a brake problem. When I pressed on the brake the front end and steering wheel would shake, hard. I received an estimate from the service manager Dean Anderson who quoted me a price of $1,700. For $1,700 I got front and rear shocks and struts, replaced the timing belt and a new water pump which I questioned because it had been replaced less than 2 years past. I was assured by Mr. Anderson that if I didn't replace it then it would cost a lot more to have it replaced at a later date. Drove home and everything seemed fine, however, less than two weeks later I was on the freeway and exactly the same problem occurred. I got off the freeway and drive around town and found that the problem happened when I slowed down from 40 mph or more. Took it back to Larry Miller and asked why this problem wasn't noticed during the test drive. Mr. Anderson was adamant that it had been test driven which is absolutely impossible! However, they supposedly had to replace the "warped brake rotors and pads" to the tune of another $337.00. So the mechanic "missed" it and yet I had to pay $170.00 in labor to fix his mistake. The hardest pill to swallow was how easily Mr. Anderson lied about the test drive. I will never go back to Larry Miller and certainly will never recommend them to anyone. My husband, who was a mechanic for 35 years, told me never to take my vehicle without a male who knew something about cars because when a salesman sees a woman alone they see dollars. So true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terri M.